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The ONLY Difference Between Professional Traders and Amateurs Is ...
Here's a revelation that changed my trading forever:
"Successful trading is imply a business of not making mistakes."
That has become such a cornerstone to my trading that I actually framed that saying and put it on my wall over my trading flat screens.
One of the most productive things you can do to become a profitable trader is to make a list of your most common mistakes.
Awareness is the first step.
Then watch your behavior and don't allow yourself to make those mistakes any more.
Each of us has her or his own challenges, so you must make your own list.
But to get you started, I'll expose my sins and share with you what have been my most common mistakes over the years. This is the official list of my own 7 most common mistakes. Perhaps you'll find it helpful:
1. Missing trades. When my setup occurs I need to make sure I'm aware of it and haven't been distracted by chat rooms, email, phone calls or lulled into boredom by a consolidating market.
I also need to make sure I don't hesitate to pull the trigger when I do see my setups.
2. Trading reversals that are not in extended trends and during which the internal market energy has not reversed.
3. Trading only 1 time frame without the confirmation of a longer term chart.
4. Trading while tired.
5. Over trading. Never try to make up for losses or missed trades. Never trade out of boredom. Never take any trade that doesn't match my rules 100%.
6. Not taking profits on my first exit soon enough. This is critical to adjust my cost position in the trade and therefore keep losses small.
7. Exiting my entire position too soon. I must keep at least part of my position alive until the energy of the trade has shifted so that I can ride the big moves.
Well, that's my confession.
Now you know my sins, but I imagine they're not so different than yours.
Have you committed these trading sins ... or your own unique ones?
The only solution is to REPENT!
That doesn't simply mean to say you're sorry.
It means to change your behavior.
Many people treat trading as:
an intellectual exercise.
a mathematical challenge.
or a research project.
Actually it's more about managing your behavior than anything else ... of course that's often the most difficult thing of all!
I couldn't have said it better!
Barry can be found at: http://www.myspace.com/topdogtrading
Happy New Year !!
Forex Journey
Are you a forex trader or a gambler?
Here's an article I found in my files. Given the approach of the New Year, now is an excellent time to re-enforce those good trading habits and thoughts ... enjoy!!
How many pips do you need to be wealthy? The answer may surprise you.
About 2 years ago I sent out a similar letter that changed the outlook and the lives of many traders. While most at the time were mini-traders a simple 25 pip gain equated to a mere $25.00. "How can I live off of that?" I was repeatedly asked. It didn't take long to put this into perspective.
Determining Percent Return
Profits are one thing, percent return is another. Monthly profits may add up to look nice or not so nice, but what is the actual return? I am sure we have all heard traders say, "I made 1,000 pips last month." OK.. what was your percent return? Not only for one month, but for the life of your trading.
Return Calculation
The simple return calculation is used to determine your return on an investment after you sold it. Or in this case, the profits after closing trades over a period of time.
Here is the formula:
Net Proceeds /Cost Basis - 1 x 100
Let's run through a simple example.
Suppose you traded one standard forex contract for a profit of 200 pips. This would be a raw profit of $2,000. The cost in this case was the spread and the margin needed to secure the contract; the most common margin is 100:1. Thus it cost a temporary, $1,000 to secure this contract. We say temporary because we all know we would not trade without a stop loss, most likely the stop would have been worth about $250.
Net Proceeds = $2000
Cost Basis = $20 (spread) + $1,000 margin
($2,000 /$1,020 - 1) x 100 = 96% (Just under 100% in a single 30 days)
What about per year?
Try it, you will be amazed. Hint: Don't forget to compound.
Take Home Message
Trade conservatively, a few 25 pip trades per week (300 pips per month) on a single lot can give you a return of just under 200% a month. Build your account slowly, trade with the same level of caution, just add more lots. This is the best method, the most realistic method and the lowest stress method of enjoying the rewards of forex.
John Keister
Happy Trading from ForexJourney.com!!
Clarity. This is my word, my mission for 2008. I am going (notice I did not say “try to”), let me repeat, I am going to achieve clarity in all aspects of life including my trading. As many of my readers know I had a very eventful 2007. I became a dad for the first time. This has brought a new meaning to life. One that many of my friends have mentioned, but one I truly didn’t understand until I experienced it myself. It has been the greatest single joy of my life, not to mention a major adjustment in trading schedule.
I define have one simple New Year’s resolution that will permeate my life and my trading – seek clarity in every aspect of my Forex trading and perform every action with intent!
I know what you are thinking; it seems kind of pie in the sky, but think about it. We should approach all our actions with clarity and intent. Design the outcome well before we enter a currency trade. Keeping mental focus it what really separates long term profits and losses.
I encourage each of you to take the time now and revisit your Forex trading plan. Learn from your mistakes, because they are your most valuable teachers. My goal is to always present clear intent into my Forex trading in 2008, what’s your intent?
Happy New Year’s from ForexJourney.com
When You Understand....
Once we know how something works, we will not see it as a challenge. For those people that love challenge, they will lose interest. This is because it is no longer something to go after. You already have the answers and started looking somewhere else for new challenges. In the end such people will not accumulate wealth but he will gain knowledge. Knowledge in the end is what matters.
Last week I lose in Forex trading. I will update screenshot when I have the time. It seems to me that I am starting to lose interest in Forex for the above reason. For other reason I will not be trading forex till start of next year. Holiday season is coming, Im going home for a long vacation and forex has started to lose it appeal.
Those of you still struggling to understand it, keep up the work. Its a feeling undescribe by mere words once you have found the answer. At the time of writing we are seeing major turn on 3 pairs which are EurUsd, UsdChf and UsdJpy. Chrismast is coming and it would be a waste of time to trade now. Let us hope a new year wil bring new fortune to us all. Happy holidays everyone.
Income masyuk

Bayangkan kalau anda mendapat income sebegini dibayar setiap minggu. Amacam? tak melompat cam beruk ke?
SMS misteri dari seseorang yang tidak dikenali
Kalau saya jadi airmata,
Saya ingin lahir dari matamu, hidup dipipi mu dan mati di bibirmu
tapi kalau awak jadi airmata,saya tidak akan menangis
kerana saya tidak mahu kehilanganmu
begitu bermakna dari seseorang yang tidak dikenali.
Forex lak. minggu ni rugi. Nasib baik bisness lain masyuk banyak :)
Free Forex Signal 11 December 2007
Long Eur/Usd @ 1.4620 or better
TP 1.4870
Short Usd/Chf @ 1.1320 or better
TP 1.1060
At the moment all jpy pair is at the height of its momentum. Entry is not adviseable. Wait for it to turn then a fresh entry will be available. I lost much on JPY pair this week due to miss calculation. At the moment my account is down by more than 2k. I will post result at the end of the week.
Mixed week

Mixed week so far. GBP rate cut really messed things up. Things are really looking good for a Gbp correction where the rate cut made the correction very small and no clear market direction.
At the moment i am holding a lot of losing position hoping the market will turn back. At the same time doing hedging to cover the losing position. Hopefully next week all goes well and I manage to recover. If things do not go my way, then I will have to accept losses. Losses happen in forex and it happen a lot. Prepare for the inevitable.
Langit Tak Selalu Cerah
Jangan sekali kali menganggap Forex adalah jalan utk mencapai kekayaan. Ianya mampu memberi pendapatan yang lumayan tetapi tidak utk mencapai kekayaan. Fakta, 10 manusia terkaya didunia tidak seorang pun dari mereka mencapai tahap kekayaan dengan forex. Malah kalau ada yang rajin, boleh kaji 100 orang terkaya didunia dan berapa ramai dari mereka kaya dengan Forex. Jawapan mungkin tidak ada seorang pun mencapai kekayaan dengan forex.
Ini kerana dalam forex langit tidak selalu cerah tapi malangnya laut sentiasa bergelora. Cabaran yang tinggi perlu dihadapi sebelum seseorang boleh hidup dilautan forex.
Nasihat ini telah banyak kali aku berikan kepada orang yang memerlukan. Kalau ingin jadi kaya, kita perlu mempunyai berbagai sumber pendapatan. Periuk nasi perlu ada lebih dari satu. Barulah boleh mencapai kekayaan, itupun kalau kekayaan yang diharapkan.
Secara ikhlasnya aku bermula dengan forex bukan kerana duit tapi kerana ilmu. Dalam dunia cuma 5% saja manusia mampu hidup sepenuhnya dengan trading forex. Kalau aku mampu tergolong dalam umat manusia 5% itu, maka aku akan jadi golongan manusia terbilang. Mudah saja cita cita aku.
Busy Week
At the moment EU is looking good for a big dive. GJ is currently doing a correction before it continue its dive hopefully.
Good trading for all of you out there since today is a good day for me coz I am in profit now :D
Why the Fed is Such a Lousy Wizard of Oz
Interesting article by Susan C. Walker - check it out!
By Susan C. Walker, Elliott Wave InternationalSeptember 7, 2007
Central bankers who "follow the yellow brick road" end up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, every Labor Day weekend for their annual symposium sponsored by – who else? – the Kansas City Fed. (Who can forget Judy Garland saying to her little dog, "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore," in the 1939 movie, The Wizard of Oz?)
The Jackson Hole Resort serves as the Federal Reserve's equivalent of the Emerald City, as Fed governors and presidents meet with central bankers and economists from around the world to discuss economic issues. This year, the symposium focused on housing and monetary policy. Usually, the Fed chairman kicks off the symposium and, this year, the new chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, did the honors. He closed his speech with these words:
"The interaction of housing, housing finance, and economic activity has for years been of central importance for understanding the behavior of the economy, and it will continue to be central to our thinking as we try to anticipate economic and financial developments."
Then came the other speeches. And it seems that some of the guests in Emerald City were waiting for their chance to pull back the curtain and prove that the Wonderful Wizard of Oz isn't such a wizard after all. Bloomberg reported that "Federal Reserve officials, wrestling with a housing recession that jeopardizes U.S. growth, got an earful from critics at a weekend retreat, arguing they should use regulation and interest rates to prevent asset-price bubbles." Apparently, one academic paper presented at Jackson Hole graded the Fed an 'F' for the way it has handled the repercussions from the rise and fall of the housing market.
Truth be told, these folks are a little late to the table as critics of the Fed. We're glad they're joining us, but here's what they still haven't learned: It isn't because the Federal Reserve messes up by allowing credit, asset and stock bubbles to form that it's not a wizard. The Federal Reserve isn't a wizard for one particular reason that it doesn't want anybody to know – and that is that the Fed doesn't lead the financial markets, it follows them.
People everywhere want to believe in the Fed's wizardry. But all this talk about how the Fed will be able to help the U.S. economy and hold up the markets by cutting rates now is as much hooey as the Wizard of Oz promising Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion that he could give them what they wanted: a return to Kansas, a brain, a heart, and courage. Because when the Fed does do something, it always comes after the markets have already made their moves.
If you don't believe it, you should look at one chart from the most recent Elliott Wave Financial Forecast. It compares the movements in the Fed Funds rate with the movements of the 3-month U.S. Treasury Bill Yield. What does it reveal? That the Fed has followed the T-Bill yield up and down every step of the way since 2000. And the interesting question becomes this: Since the T-bill yield has dropped nearly two points since February, how soon will the Fed cut its rate to follow the market's lead this time?
[Editor's note: You can see this chart and read the Special Section it appears in by accessing the free report, The Unwonderful Wizardry of the Fed.]
We've got our own brains, heart and courage here at Elliott Wave International, and we've used them to explain over and over again that putting faith in the Fed to turn around the markets and the economy is blind faith indeed.
"This blind faith in the Fed's power to hold up the economy and stocks epitomizes the following definition of magic offered by Teller of the illusionist and comedy team of Penn and Teller: a 'theatrical linking of a cause with an effect that has no basis in physical reality, but that – in our hearts – ought to be.'" [September 2007, The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast]
Because, you see, what makes the markets move has less to do with what the unwizardly Fed does and more with changes in the mass psychology of all the people investing in those markets. The Elliott Wave Principle describes how bullish and bearish trends in the financial markets reflect changes in social mood, from positive to negative and back again. To extend the metaphor: The Fed can't affect social mood anymore than the Wonderful Wizard of Oz could change the direction of the wind that brought his hot air balloon to the Land of Oz in the first place.
As our EWI analysts write, "With respect to the timing of the Federal Reserve Board rate cuts, we need to reiterate one key point. The market, not the Fed, sets rates." Being able to understand this information puts you one step closer to clicking your ruby red shoes together and whispering those magic words: "There's no place like home." Once you land back in Kansas, your eyes will open, and you will see that an unwarranted faith in the Fed was just a bad dream.
Susan C. Walker writes for Elliott Wave International, a market forecasting and technical analysis company. She has been an associate editor with Inc. magazine, a newspaper writer and editor, an investor relations executive and a speechwriter for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Her columns also appear regularly on FoxNews.com.
Slow Down Week

Last week started with a high momentum movement but in the middle of the week its slow down. During slow down period its getting harder to trade plus I was on the plane to Kuala Lumpur for one day.
Anyway here is the result. Not as good as last week and i expected more.
Btw just bought Nokia N95. Anyone here have any idea how to install software on this phone. Its different from previous Symbian.
Forex Signal 20 November 2007
Lately time doesnt allow me to take short term trade, as a result I revert back to my old system using 4H TF but with add on from my short term system. Result is very impressive.
Here goes for the signal, but before you take it seriously I must warn you to use SL appropriately. Losses are unavoidable in forex, the only thing that kept me alive this long in this hazardous market is maintaining small losses while taking big gain.
On the short term side (30m) GJ is still a short trade but slowly it has turned to long trade on 4H chart. Sooner or later GJ will have to go long due to intermediate buying pressure but be warned, GJ is an all time short market in long term period. Advise is to take the long and get out while you are in profit coz in the long run GJ will take a dive to the unknown.
Long Gbp/Jpy @ 224.76 or better
SL is on your own but calculation of lowest value somewhere 224.24
Your entry window should be from 224.76 - 224.24
TP 227.10, 234.90, 240.40
What a week.

It has been a good week for both long and short position. I still have some position still open coz havent reach my tp yet. Anyway here is a screenshot of it. Truly I enjoyed it. :)
How To Recognize a Financial Mania When You're Smack Dab in the Middle of One
November 12, 2007
When you're caught in the middle of a bad storm, you don't really care whether it's a tropical depression or a full-strength hurricane. You just know you're hanging on for dear life. The same idea applies to financial markets. When a market is trending up strongly, it's hard to tell whether it's just a bull market or a more dangerous financial mania.
The recent tremendous ride up for global and U.S. financial markets, including the Dow, looks and feels more like a mania than a mere bull, says Elliott Wave International analyst Peter Kendall. This distinction is important to recognize in the rising stage, because manias always result in a crash that takes them back beneath their starting point.
Kendall recently published his research into current financial manias throughout the world in SFO (Stocks, Futures and Options) magazine. The article, titled "Financial Manias and the Trade of a Lifetime," suggests an even more stunning finish for the current manias: "The speed and global scope of the unfolding credit crisis suggest that most of the fast-rising markets of the last decade will crash in unison," he writes.
Editor's note: Elliott Wave International invites you to read the full five-page article with charts from the October 2007 SFO magazine by Elliott Wave International's Pete Kendall called "Financial Manias and the Trade of a Lifetime."---------------------------------------------------------------
As co-editor of The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, Kendall searches for trends that help traders to move in and out of markets. By comparing other historic manias with the impressive rise of the DJIA since the late 1970s, he focuses on the skyscraper pattern that they all have in common. The four historical manias are the Dutch Tulip mania of the 1630s, the South Sea bubble of 1720, the U.S. stock crash of 1921-1932 and the dot.com bust of the 1990s and early 2000s. Once you can see the similarities, you will be better prepared to face the music when the crash comes. As Kendall writes, "once the belief that the markets will always rise becomes widespread, it actually signals the start of a price swing that tends to be a career-breaker for any trader who tries to oppose it."He also discusses current manias, such as the Nikkei, which has yet to return to its start after a manic rise to its all-time high in December 1989, and the Dow, which reversed from its rise in 2000 but made a U-turn in 2002. The starting point for the Dow's mania as shown in the chart included in the article is at the 1000 level.
Kendall, who is also writing a book about financial manias, titled The Mania Chronicles, describes five telltale signs that help an investor to tell the difference between a regular bull market and a mania. It's a mania if:
1. There is no upside resistance, and rising prices seem to be perpetual.
2. Everyone in the market looks like an expert.
3. There is a flight from quality investments to riskier investments.
4. As financial bubbles pop in one area, they bubble up in others.
5. The crash after the peak takes back all the gains the mania made.
No. 5 can be viewed only with hindsight. But the first four signs provide essential clues to what's shaping up in the markets.
"By studying past mania experiences, traders can gain valuable insight into the collective emotions that drive their markets," writes Kendall. "It's possible to make significant money in the advancing stages of a mania with no knowledge of its existence. But there is nothing like recognizing a mania for what it is in real time to help a trader keep those gains and deal with the relentless crash after it peaks."
In the last part of the SFO article, he asks the key question, Are we at the peak yet? Find out his answer by reading the whole article for yourself.
Susan C. Walker writes for Elliott Wave International, a market forecasting and technical analysis company. She has been an associate editor with Inc. magazine, a newspaper writer and editor, an investor relations executive and a speechwriter for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Her columns also appear regularly on FoxNews.com.
100% return on capital per month.... possible???
For example you have $1000 in your forex account. Every month your profit is $1000++. Is it possible to do this by trading forex. If anyone of you out there can do it, do post your result here.
Just wanted to see if its possible to do it or to maintain it month after month.
Sesuatu Yang Unik
Aku adalah seorang yang teknikal dimana setiap satu bende akan aku kaji dan cari jawapan secara logik. Hasilnya aku mempunyai kemahiran yang tinggi dan banyak. Antara kemahiran yang ada pada aku adalah aku boleh membaiki kereta, motor, komputer, alat eletrik dan macam macam lagi. Kebolehan orang teknikal
Bende yang lebih bernilai dari wang ringgit yang aku maksudkan adalah kesihatan. Kesihatan yang kita semua miliki secara percuma setiap hari hingga kita lupa ianya adalah satu nikmat yang tidak ternilai harganya.
Baru baru ini aku ada membeli gelang tangan magnetik. Bab citer magnetik ni dah lama aku dengar. Ada orang letak magnet kat minyak kereta, kat badan dan macam macam lagi lah. Yang pastinya bende tu tak logik dan setakat yang aku faham, ianya tak berfungsi. Walaubagaimanapun kefahaman aku terpaksa ditukar dan aku terpaksa menerima hakikat yang tidak logik.
Abang aku telah memperkenalkan gelang magnetik kepada aku. Atas sebab abang aku sendiri, maka aku belilah gelang yang seperti didalam gambar ini. Gelang tu cantik, amat cantik dan unik kerana dibuat dari Tungsten Carbide. Harganya cuma RM890 sahaja. Jangan takut, kerana ada gelang dari Stainless Steel yang harganya RM215 kalau ada yang tak mampu.
Aku pun memakai gelang tu dan tanpa disangka sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal berlaku. Dalam masa seminggu kesihatan aku lebih baik, tidur lebih lena dan tenaga aku meningkat. Aku pun mencari di internet penjelasan atau kertas kerja para saintis mengenai Bio Magnetic Therapy. Yang sebetulnya tidak ada satu pun kajian yang jelas menunjukkan Bio Magnetic Therapy betul betul berfungsi. Kebanyakkan saintis hanya mengatakan ianya adalah kesan psikologi sahaja yang membuatkan kita berasa lebih sihat. Walaubagaimanapun NASA menggunakan teknologi magnetik ini pada sut angkasawan untuk mengurangkan kesan ketiadaan medan magnet bumi pada angkasawan.
Selepas itu aku memperkenalkan gelang ini kepada beberapa rakan dan mereka membelinya kerana harganya yang mampu dimiliki. Dimasa yang sama aku juga menanti maklumbalas dari mereka. Untuk makluman aku telah menjual lebih dari 10 gelang ini dan tidak seorang pun dari mereka yang mengatakan ianya tidak berfungsi. Yang lebih pelik lagi, ada antara mereka mempunyai masalah tekanan darah tinggi yang kronik. Hasil pemeriksaan doktor, tekanan darah mereka telah bertambah baik dan ada yang kembali normal. Memang satu yang pelik, kerana kalau ianya kesan psikologi takkan pemeriksaan doktor menunjukkan peningkatan dalam kadar kesihatan mereka.
Ada kes kes yang aku temui sendiri dimana mereka yang sakit bertahun lamanya telah sembuh dimana mereka tidak lagi memakan ubat yang dibekalkan oleh doktor. Ini kerana mereka tidak lagi berasa sakit setelah memakai gelang tersebut dalam masa 2 minggu.
Jangan tertipu dengan gelang yang banyak dijual dipasaraya, pasar malam dan sebagainya. Ianya tidak berfungsi dan telah dicuba. Untuk gelang magnetik ini berfungsi, aku difahamkan magnet itu dibuat dari bahan tertentu dan mempunyai ukuran kuasa yang tertentu utk bertindak balas dengan badan manusia. Oleh itu jgn membuang duit keatas sesuatu yang tidak berfungsi dan berkemungkinan memudaratkan badan.
Apa yang aku tulis disini adalah hasil penemuan aku keatas sesuatu yang unik. Sesuatu yang aku tidak sangka. Ramai orang yg aku temui tidak percaya akan cara perubatan ini dan aku juga tidak memaksa utk orang percaya. Terpulang kepada individu untuk menilai tapi pada aku, aku amat berpuas hati bila melihat orang yang menderita sakit bertahun lamanya sembuh dan dengan ikhlas berjumpa dengan aku bersalam dan mengucapkan terima kasih.
Kepada yang berminat utk mengetahui lebih lanjut boleh melayari laman web Edymium. Kalau yang berminat untuk mencuba/membeli boleh hubungi aku di 016-8178343. Bukan niat nak promo tapi bila kita menemui sesuatu yang amat baik, secara lumrah kita akan berkongsi dengan orang lain. Ini kerana sifat semulajadi manusia, kita adalah makhluk yang sosial dimana kita tidak boleh hidup sendiri.
Baca, kaji dan buatlah keputusan sendiri.
Rusdhi Mohamad
Free Forex Signal 24 Oct 2007
1. Short Gbp/Usd @ 2.0515 or better
2. Short Gbp/jpy @ 235.68 or better
I will not give stop loss or take profit since that is on the money management side. Manage it well and with a good system you can gain.
Good luck
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
My new bracelet
I just bought a new bracelet. It cost RM890. Its made of Tungsten Carbide. Its big, heavy and all shiny. It is soo shiny, it looks like glass yet it is metal.

This picture is taken with my mobile phone as my digital camera is at my home in KL. It actually look much more impressive than what is in the picture. It is shiny, it is catching and bouncing light from all angle. I really like it when I walk out in public and people are starring at my bracelet. Its not gold, nor it silver but it is shinning a lot more than gold or silver.
Anyone of you would like to see more headover at this website. Maybe you will find a pattern that you like. :)
Free Forex Signal 5/10/2007
For this morning, my charts are giving these signals:
1. Gbp/Usd
Short Gbp/Usd @ 2.0392 or better
SL on your own
TP 2.0370, 2.0352, 2.0334, 2.0277 and more
2. Gbp/Jpy
Short Gbp/Jpy @ 237.42 or better
SL on your own
TP 237.18, 236.98, 236.78, 236.14 and more
Word of caution, GJ is a pair that swings alot. You will have to stand lots of negatif pips at time before making it actual move. I prefer not to trade GJ
At the time being EU and UJ still gives the same signal as yesterday. I decided to close position
Its been a while
Free Forex Signal:
1. Eur/Usd
Long Eur/Usd @ 1.4100 or better
SL on your own
TP 1.4111, 1.4128, 1.4142, 1.4155 and more
2. Usd/Jpy
Short Usd/Jpy @ 116.60 or better
SL on your own
TP 116.47, 116.29, 116.15, 116.01 and more
These are short term trades since I found myself having less time to trade nowdays. All the best.
Market Not Active
When the market is not active, I do other things. In these 2 weeks, I have upgraded my pc and car. Pc and cars are my hobby now.
My PC:
At the moment I have 2 desktop and 1 laptop. I wanted to buy a new pc but if I do buy a new pc I will have 3 desktop which is an overkill for me alone. Im not about to open a cyber cafe at my home.
Upgrade Spec
1. Abit AN9 32X RM570.00
2. AMD Athlon X2 +4000 RM235.00
3. Kingston 1GB DDR2 X2 RM278.00
4. Geforce 8600GT RM395.00
5. 350W Power Supply RM110.00
My pc upgrade cost me RM 1,588.00
My car:
I also upgraded my car ekzos system and intake system. It is an upgrade long overdue since the original piping already have holes here and there.
Upgrade Spec
1. Complete ekzos system + muffler RM305.00
2. Intake pipe + K&N filter RM400.00
3. New Head Unit. Now can play SD directly RM398.00
My car upgrade RM 1,103.00
guess what, at the moment it is much cheaper to upgrade your car compare to upgrading a pc.
Then I was looking around the net and found this website. It sells magnetic bracelet. Sort of Bio Magnetic Therapy. I go and buy one and wear it. The first time I wear it, I felt dizzy like I was drunk of something. I cannot even smoke cigarette any more. That night I had a good night sleep. The best sleep since a long time. Its like someone switch off the power. The next morning its all good. Looks like Bio Magnet Therapy really works. The bracelet is good looking, it give you bio magnetic therapy and also its a MLM business. Personally I dont do MLM anymore but since the bracelet is giving you a chance to actually make money, its a very good deal. Not only does it looks good, it keeps you healty and give you good opportunity make money.
Its 3 in one package. Looks good, Feel healthy and make money. woooooo. Anyone interested can contact me @ 016 8178343.
20 Rules To Stop Losing Money
It's your money at stake, not theirs. Do your own analysis, regardless of the information source.
2. Don't believe in a company -
Trading is not investment. Remember the numbers and forget the press releases. Leave the American Dream to Peter Lynch.
3. Don't break your rules -
You made them for tough situations, just like the one you're probably in right now.
4. Don't try to get even -
Trading is never a game of catch-up. Every position must stand on its merits. Take your loss with composure, and take the next trade with absolute discipline.
5. Don't trade over your head -
If your last name isn't Buffett or Cramer, don't trade like them. Concentrate on playing the game well, and don't worry about making money.
6. Don't seek the Holy Grail -
There is no secret trading formula, other than solid risk management. So stop looking for it.
7. Don't forget your discipline -
Learning the basics is easy. Most traders fail due to a lack of discipline, not a lack of knowledge.
8. Don't chase the crowd -
Listen to the beat of your own drummer. By the time the crowd acts, you're probably too late…or too early.
9. Don't trade the obvious -
The prettiest patterns set up the most painful losses. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
10. Don't ignore the warning signs -
Big losses rarely come without warning. Don't wait for a lifeboat to abandon a sinking ship.
11. Don't count your chickens -
Profits aren't booked until the trade is closed. The market gives and the market takes away with great fury.
12. Don't forget the plan -
Remember the reasons you took the trade in the first place, and don't get blinded by volatility.
13. Don't have a paycheck mentality -
You don't deserve anything for all of your hard work. The market only pays off when you're right, and your timing is really, really good.
14. Don't join a group -
Trading is not a team sport. Avoid stock boards, chatrooms and financial TV. You want the truth, not blind support from others with your point of view.
15. Don't ignore your intuition -
Respect the little voice that tells you what to do, and what to avoid. That's the voice of the winner trying to get into your thick head.
16. Don't hate losing -
Expect to win and lose with great regularity. Expect the losing to teach you more about winning, than the winning itself.
17. Don't fall into the complexity trap -
A well-trained eye is more effective than a stack of indicators. Common sense is more valuable than a backtested system.
18. Don't confuse execution with opportunity -
Overpriced software won't help you trade like a pro. Pretty colors and flashing lights make you a faster trader, not a better one.
19. Don't project your personal life -
Trading gives you the perfect opportunity to discover just how screwed up your life really is. Get your own house in order before playing the markets.
20. Don't think its entertainment -
Trading should be boring most of the time, just like the real job you have right now.
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How The Market Move
The Market generally move once or the most twice a day. That is how much Forex market move. There is no point on being stuck in front of the pc the whole day since it will only move once. If you dont belive me look at any pair in timeframe 1 hour or less. Forex doesnt move in straight line but it has a tendency of moving to a particular direction in a zig zag motion.
The idea is to develop a system or set of indicators that will give you an entry early enough for you to profit when the market makes its move. There is no way you can tell the move before its moving. The price must move at least a little to a particular direction before you signal is triggered. Then you enter the market and take the remaining move.
The system must only give you signal once a day or twice the most. Because its a daily trade dont expect much. Sometimes condition are bad even 5 pip is enough. You must remember that if you are trading less than 1 billion you are small fish in the sea. Take what you need and leave or else get eaten by the big fish.
In developing the system that will take advantage of Forex movement characteristic, I sense that I have succeeded. I have a system that will give signal only once a day or twice the most. Like most Forex system in the world, there are difficulty finding the right entry and exit point. An entry and exit that will give you the most out of the move before it will retrace.
In the end, its about how and when you enter. There are no room for mistakes here since mistakes are costly. From the very 1st trade you make till the last trade, the risks are all the same. Experience is an advantage but its not an insurance. Once everything turns bad, there is no saving you.
Welcome to the World of Forex
Elliott Wave Free Week
It's FREE Week at ElliottWave.com!!
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Free Week End August 29.
Forex Journey Interview on Forex Education
Click here to hear a recent interview I did with Interviews with Prosperity on the importance of Forex Education.
Happy Trading!!
Example trade using Bollinger Bands

This picture is a chart of GJ where you can see my entry, SL and TP. It was taken right after I enter the market. I opened 2 post there.

This picture was taken this morning after the price has moved. Its a beautiful picture and it works most of the time.

This is a daily statement of yesterday trade. You can see that I have closed the 2 GJ post earlier than my TP target. Anyway yesterday was a good day to trade. As for today GJ continue to go uptrend with a correction coming soon. Wait for that correction and enter if the strength holds.
Forex Education Tip – 5 Steps to Successful Forex Trading
Like the TV show says … “How’d they do that, anyway?”
That's the million dollar questions, isn’t it? Countless books, seminars and expos have been hosted to answer this very question. That sad fact is that thousands of books have been written and countless seminars and interviews have been conducted in an attempt to answer the magic questions. The reality of the situation is that there is no magic formula; no one single Holy Grail of Forex trading.
So what do the successful traders do that the rest of us have simple not comprehended. They have mastered a process of winning where they combine and customize several factor to produce consistent results. They have mastered the Process of Trading.
The Process of Trading is:
Strategy > Money Management > Self-Mastery
Here are some simple Forex Education tips to help you master the process of forex trading:
Forex Success Tip #1 – You’ve Got To Have a Plan
You must have a written business plan that will detail all aspects of your trading. When are you going to trade, how much to risk, strategies for entries and exits are just o name a few. To become a consistent (profitable) Forex trader you have to plan your trade sand trade your plan.
Simplicity rules! Don’t make this plan too complicated. One sheet of paper for you mission statement and another for your trading plan should suffice. Anything more is probably too complicated.
Forex Success Tip #2 – Focus on Your Personal Psychology
Knowing yourself will allow you to master the discipline necessary to execute high quality trades with solid money management techniques. Lack of discipline is fatal in Forex trading. Go on a personal journey to identify you attitudes towards risk and money. Get intimate with your strengths and weaknesses as a trader and build in to your trading plan strategies to minimize those weaknesses and maximize your strengths.
Different personalities lend to different trading styles. Get familiar with all the different styles and over time you will begin to gravitate towards one particular style. Don’t fight the urge like I did. I insisted I was a day trader, but had only limited results. I found my winning percentages were much higher when I entered swing trades. Guess what’s my bread and butter strategy now!
Forex Success Tip #3 – Be Realistic About Your Expectations
This is a hard one, I know! I am on the internet every day and the amount of advertising is staggering. Brokers are offering free education (fox in the hen house if you ask me), forums of all different trading styles and points of view. Gurus pushing their system as “the one” that will make you the big bucks. How do you get through all that noise?
Let me tell you loud and clear right now – everyone is right and everyone is wrong. You have to make a personal commitment to become a successful trader, find a trading style that works for you and expect a slow and steady approach to wealth building through Forex.
What works for me may not work for you. Expect to go through an exploratory period where you are learning and at the same time exploring yourself as a trader. Keep an open mind and don’t pay attention to all the noise out there.
Forex Success Tip #4 – Be Patient
Rome was not built in a day and neither will your trading account. In fact, I tell all of my students that while they are studying to become successful Forex traders they should not look solely at their account balance as an indication of success or failure.
By tracking and increasing your percentage of high quality trades you execute is a far better barometer of your progress than your account balance. Cause and effect rule here. Over time when you increase your probabilities through the execution of high quality trades your account balance will respond accordingly.
Keep the focus on the process and with time your results will blow your mind.
Success Tip #5 - Money Management Is Top Priority
I would rather have a shaky strategy and excellent money management techniques than the other way around. This topic warrants its own blog post to do it justice. Limited your exposure (read “risk”) allows for you to stay in the game and allow the laws of probability to work.
Let’s take a casino for an example. They need gamblers to frequent their slot machines to make money. Why? They have a game that has a greater than 50% chance of making money for the house. The more people that play the slots, the greater the casino’s profits.
The casino controls risk by payout tables (always favoring the house!) and increases their probabilities by keeping gamblers at the slot machines (read “free drinks”). As a trader you must limit your risk by committing only 1% - 3% of available capital to a single trade. When you execute enough trades with a high probability strategy you too can clean up like the casinos – but only by staying in the game long term.
In conclusion, Forex trading is not easy. It’s hard work and will test the limits of your patience and perseverance. If anyone tells you otherwise .., buyers beware! It can be a very rewarding and profitable venture if done correctly. In the end it is a profession that requires a learning curve and practical experience, no different than an airline pilot or engineer. Understanding how to approach and learn this game will allow you to reap all the benefits advertised. It is your Forex Education that you will master the Process of Forex Trading.
Happy Trading!!
Trading with Bollinger Bands
Bollinger Bands are a technical analysis tool invented by John Bollinger in the 1980s. Having evolved from the concept of trading bands, Bollinger Bands can be used to measure the highness or lowness of the price relative to previous trades.
Bollinger Bands consist of:
1. A middle band being a N-period simple moving average
2. An upper band at K times a N-period standard deviation above the middle band
3. A lower band at K times a N-period standard deviation below the middle band
Typical values for N and K are 20 and 2, respectively.
The bands cannot, as some have supposed, be used to make reliable statements regarding what fraction of an equity's prices will lie within a certain distance of the mean value. This is because an individual equity's price does not obey known distribution functions (see stochastic process). For example, if the bands for plus or minus two standard deviations (2SD) are computed, it is wrong to suppose that ~95% of an equity's closing prices will, on average, lie within the Bollinger bands. That would require, among other things, that the prices be normally distributed, which they are generally not. It would further require that the true standard deviation be known. The standard deviation calculated as above, however, is only an uncertain estimate of the true standard deviation. Furthermore, it should be realized that the "standard deviations" of stock prices for finite time periods are not fixed parameters as required to apply classical statistical theory, but instead are variables in constant flux depending on price volatility. The bands give a visual picture of a stock's price volatility. Nevertheless, the bands can be useful in the technical analysis of prices or returns and by Chebyshev's inequality contain at least 75% of prices. These occurrences should be considered in relation to other factors before making investment decisions.
It is of interest to note that faulty interpretation of a price touching or breaching a band based on incorrect statistical assumptions has become so widespread that some traders now use these events alone as trading signals and by so doing may have unwittingly injected significance into these band-touching events that should otherwise be absent. Nevertheless, anyone can observe over time, that for a diversified group of mutual funds, say, the proportion of daily adjusted close prices that breach their 1-month 2SD Bollinger bands varies between 5% and 15% of days, with each fund having a fairly constant, characteristic long-term breach probability descriptive of its long-term, relative volatility.
When the bands lie close together a period of low volatility in stock price is indicated. When they are far apart a period of high volatility in price is indicated. When the bands have only a slight slope and lie approximately parallel for an extended time the price of a stock will be found to oscillate up and down between the bands as though in a channel.
The use of Bollinger Bands varies wildly among traders. Some traders buy when price touches the lower Bollinger Band and exit when price touches the moving average in the center of the bands. Other traders buy when price breaks above the upper Bollinger Band or sell when price falls below the lower Bollinger Band. Moreover, the use of Bollinger Bands is not confined to stock traders; options traders, most notably implied volatility traders, often sell options when Bollinger Bands are historically far apart or buy options when the Bollinger Bands are historically close together, in both instances, expecting volatility to revert back towards the average historical volatility level for the stock.
I use 2 Bollinger Bands with the same value on my technical charts. These 2 BB are for:
1. Trend Reversal Detection
2. Exit Target
3. Entry Point
Before we go on any further, a visual display is needed since we human learn faster through our visual.

As you can see in the graph, there are 2 BB with RSI. There are 5 set of circle indicating when the price cut thru Bollinger Bands. I will try to explain here according to numbers in the chart.
1. Price cut the upper BB at the same time RSI only cut thru middle band. Indicating the price is over bought while RSI is showing weakness. That is your point to short.
2. Price cut thru the lower BB and RSI is doing exactly the same. This showing that the price is according to strength. Exit at will. This also indicates a new trend has started. Take only short position from now on.
3. Same as no.2, this is your exit position. RSI agrees with the price. Continue to trade short.
4. Price cut thru the lower Bands but RSI is in the upper part of the Bands. This is a sign to start thinking of reversal. Lowest price at that point was 1.0550. Normally I would give out signals based on that lowest price.
5. Price makes a new low of 1.0530 and RSI still disagree with it. This is due to last minute trend traders who are pushing the price even lower thinking the trend is still there. I must agree, the trend is still there but the strength is gone long ago.
If I were to trade this pair, I would give out a signal to long @ 1.0550. The price hit bottom at 1.0530. Meaning there was a -20 pip position hold. Now the position is +30 and guess what. Its breaking the middle bands. Once the middle bands is broken and it cut thru upper bands and RSI agrees with it, we have ourself an uptrend. Meaning that I have trade the pair much earlier than most traders do because they are trading on trend.
At the time of writing I am holding ucad long with SL at breakeven. The worse thing that could happen is ucad reverse making a new low leaving me with nothing. If all goes well, I would like to see that upper band and make my exit there.
Of course there is no certainty in forex. In this article I am only showing the possibilities of using only BB and RSI to trade forex. Currently I am using 4 indicators to my technical analysis. Maybe some of you out there can do much better and come up with a better system.

As you can see in the picture, those circle are my entry and exit point. At the time of writing, I have already closed 2 position with +97 pip and holding 1 position with SL at +8 pip. Thats brings a confirmed total of +105 pip for ucad alone.
Looking at the chart, Ucad is still a long trade but there is not much follow thru. This maybe to the fundamental effect saying usd dollar has been so weak all this while making trader unwilling to enter on usd side.
Remove Some Advertising
Ok, it is remove. Now I see my blog as empty. Its dark with just text. Any idea to improve the looks of my blog?
Forex Education Tip - Stops
I once took a class where I was instructucted to place my stop loss 30 pips below my entry. Why 30 pips I asked? I was told it was an "acceptable" risk. Based on what? I see a lot ot traders basing their risk management strategy on some pre-defined pip value risk without any consideration for support and resistance.
Don't do this!
Like I say - trading Forex is a process and setting your stops is a key component. Your stop should be placed near support and/or resistance based on the charts and not some pre-defined pip value. Caution: stay away from the herd!
1. Locate support and/or resistance for your stop
2. Calculate your target to determine a reward-to-risk ratio
3. Determine whether you can afford the trade
4. If all systems are a go then pull the trigger
Setting a pre-defined stop makes no sense if all you can guarantee is to get stop out of your trade and have it eventually go in your direction. Let the market tell you where to protect your trade and when to take profits. This is why 2 traders can look at the same charts, establish the same trade and one trader pull the trigger an the other traders pass.
Follow YOUR trading plan and begin to take your trading to new heights. Your Forex Education is the path to true Forex profits!
Happy Trading!!
I Missed Most Of It
As for next week, opening of next week will be tricky. Last friday we saw a jump on GU, EU, GJ and EJ. That last jump really upset the downtrend. It would be very difficult to trade those pairs now.
Last hope is to use a breakout system. Hopefully next week we can see a clear direction of trade. May many pip be with you.
Is Paid Forex Education Worth It?
I have been getting fired up recently about the amount of just plain bad Forex advice slewed across the web. It is definitely a “buyers beware” market and every word of advice (including mine) should be taken with a grain of salt. Why? Because everything I say and write is based entirely on my own experiences.
One of the topics gaining some momentum is the fact that everyone pitching a Forex product is not a trader, but a marketer and if they were a trader they would be trading and not trying to sell you something.
What a bunch of BS!
Yes, I do believe all the information that one needs to trade the Forex profitably is available free on the internet. I challenge anyone new to Forex to assemble the information, study and execute without any assistance. I would imagine every trader out there has gathered free information and put it to use, but the truly valuable information often is not free!
Example – I read Steve Nison’s books and DVD’s (highly recommended by the way) to gain the necessary insight into candlestick charting. I also paid a couple of hundred of dollars to attend a live seminar. During that seminar Steve Nison made one comment that allowed all of my previous work in candlesticks to click and take my trading to the next level! Was it worth it? Hell yah! That one comment was the only peice of new information I gathered, however it has paid for the seminar 100 times over. Not only that, the opportunity to network with other traders introduced new ideas and approaches that I hadn't thought of previously.
In the end it's a personal decision. After all it's your money. Trading is a profession just being a pilot, a doctor or an engineer. Each requires dedicated training, personal development and instruction to gain proficiency. You would never go to a dentist that learned how to fill cavities on the internet (this information is available there too!), so treat your Forex account the same way.
I am calling all you freebie seekers out! Stop being cheap. Your Forex Education is an investment and not a cost. Cutting corners will only cost you more money in the long run.
Happy Trading!!
Forex Education Tips - Overcoming Fear
This fear is very real for many traders and very detrimental to your account. Fear is a powerful emotion, distorting fact from fiction and often creating an emotional response. Many experts tell you to trade without emotion, but is that really practical? We are indeed human. Remember the basis for the reaction is real, but the fear usually is not.
Fear blocks your ability to execute high probability trades and we must find strategies to manage our fear. With time comes experience and for traders it is the ultimate super hero for fear.
In the meantime, if you are struggling with fear-based execution challenges here are some simple tips to get you over the hump.
Embrace the Emotion
Acknowledge your emotions. If you find yourself analyzing a trade to the point of paralysis don’t try to ignore the emotions. Separate yourself from this river of negativity. Visualize yourself on the river bank as these torrents of emotions are flowing by. You will gain great awareness to the triggers and learn a lot about who you are as a trader.
Separate Fear from Fact
If you fear pulling the trigger because of loss (what if I am wrong?), that will stop you from enjoying the profits the market may make available to you at any given time. Don’t avoid the action that might cause the loss, but re-frame the problem as fear itself. You have evaluated the market, figured out your reward –to-risk ration and accepted your potential for loss through your stop-loss and money management plan. At this point loss is not the obstacle – fear is. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback and that will guide you to consistent and profitable trading.
Re-Think the Consequences
If your mind is off to the races with all sorts of possibilities what’s the worst that can happen if Murphy’s Law gets enacted during your trade? You have already addressed this in your trading plan. Plan your trade and trade your plan. Again fear is trumped and the only way it can be realized is if you didn’t follow your plan. Sticking to your plan is the clearest way to distinguish between a losing trade, which is just a part of business, and a bad trade which is a career killer!
Act in Spite of Fear
Feel the fear and do it anyway. Return to your mission statement or your “why?” statement. The reasons you trading should be big enough to overcome any possible obstacle your fear emotion can conjure up. Acknowledge the fear and do it anyway. You may not have a winning trade, but you will have executed your plan and over time probability will pay you back.
What is all comes down to is the intangibles of trading. Why do I and so many others drive home discipline-based Forex Education and Training approaches. You will never get rid of fear, but with practice you can turn it into a manageable obstacle and deploy it to your advantage.
Happy Trading!!
Forex Education - Fully Present
Ask yourself – Where Am I? The answer is - Here
Ask yourself – What Time Is it? The answer is – Now
When you become fully present on the task of trading, you are able to achieve peak performance and gain an edge on the other traders in the market at that moment. How many times have you often have you been trading, felt in rhythm with the market, and then you become distracted, surfed the web (OK, you busted me!), checked your email and all of a sudden, your trade fell apart because you overlooked an indicator or failed to see what economic releases where due out during your trading session.
Trading in the here and now is not only powerful, it is extremely profitable! When you can direct your focus on your trading task without distractions you become invigorated and infused with the energy that comes from requiring yourself to be fully present when trading, you’ll find that your trading all of a sudden becomes a little easier and enjoyable. When you reach this state, stop briefly to observe it and how you feel so that you can summon this mental state more easily in the future. And journal it so you can recall all the factors that contributed to your success. That way you’ll be able to set yourself up in a repeatable, successful trading environment. Your journal will become the greatest trading tool you'll ever own!
To not become fully present when trading is to short-change your Forex Education AND you’re your account balance … it’s like not accepting the greatness within your at the time the market provides you with your pip rewards.
Which mental time zones do you what to be in for your trading? There are only three: past (FEAR), future (ANXIETY) and HERE. It’s been said that most traders spend only 1% of their time in the present. Could you imagine what kind of profits your mind can produce when you become fully present when trading?
Carpe Diem and Happy Trading!!
Ranging Market
As for forex, this week is not so good for me. All my technical is correct just that being unlucky sometimes. My position of long GU and GJ both hit SL on the last dip. I can never imagine it can go down that much. Thanks for EG, I manage to cover my lost and made a little profit.
Back to technical analysis, GJ has made it top at 244.06 and there is a reversal sign. GU it seems has not reached it top. There is some room to go before a reversal can be considered. Look for formation of double top and watch out for its strength. Im not going to give signal since I do not have time to trade. If I do enter the market it would be touch and go or thru stop order with sl (which is very difficult to judge).
Happy trading, may profit be with you always.
We're #1
Check it out ==> http://www.currencytrading.net/2007/top-25-forex-bloggers
Thanks everyone for inspiring me to follow my passion!
Happy Trading!!
Forex Review Week 2nd August
Last week GbpUsd/EurUsd made a last minute break. Next week we should see GbpUsd/EurUsd continue its uptrend. Take long position from now on.
GJ and EJ didn't break it last week. Eventhough it is going down now, we should see 238.40 and 162.00 level are hard to break. If those level break, be prepared for a long downtrend.
Last week is not a good week to trade, there is no real trend as the market is swinging and ranging everwhere. Hopefully next week we should see a real trend and trend traders will make it a good trade.
What Forex Taught Me
1. No Ego
Ego is when you dont want to admit that you have made a mistake. In forex, mistakes are common. It is very hard to forecast something that has a lot of factors involve. If you have made a mistake, admit it and turn your position if you see fit. If you dont want to admit your mistakes, you will end up broke
2. The Future is unknown
That is the truth the hard truth. Unless you can see the future like the movie next we are all the same. There are some people with skills that can forecast the movement of forex and make money but the truth is, its too high of a risk. Better to trade based on price action
Forex Review Week 4 July 2007
Now next week prediction. GbpUsd and EurUsd is at full down force now. Next week we should see it continue to go down. I forecast 2.0185 as the border line for GbpUsd and 1.3627 for EurUsd. If borderline is broken it would swing around it before continue to go down.
As for JPY pair it will continue to fall. Currently at full down but watch out for sign of reversal when it starting to make new high on the 30m chart.
Happy trading all
Forex Trade 24 July 2007

There are live and virtual position. The live have bigger chance of success and I advise to follow only live position. Unfortunately for me, Ive made a mistake in GbpJpy entry. Really stupid when you yourself set the rules and you break it. The result is up to -40 pip and still holding. Hopefully the trade is correct and I will close it maybe tonight.
Not a good day after all. Manage to get +45 pips. The trade was all correct but confident level and SL isnt good. Anyway profit so far for this week up to 190pip

Forex Trade 23 July 2007

Total Trade Closed = +45 pip
Reason Closed = When you trade more than 50% of your capital its called stealing. When you are stealing, take what you can and leave. Dont get caught by the market.
Trade Still Open = +90 pip
Possible trade:
UsdCad is looking good for a long entry @ 1.0430
EurUsd is looking good for a long entry @ 1.3812
UsdJpy is looking to short again? Weird ....
All position closed.

Forex Is About Trading...
Imagine you have a Forex system that consistently giving you wining trades. The probability is so high that you are willing to and have succesfully trade up to 50% of your capital. Because of its high winning ratio, your accout grows more than 100% a month. Would you sell that system or would you just keep it to yourself.
Would you go to the trouble of doing marketing, SEO, website, selling pages and payment processor? Is it easier to just trade it by yourself? Is it worth it to sell something that is a winning system?
In my hands I have a winning system. I am not willing to sell it or even to share it. I am however looking for 2 students whom I will teach the system and let them trade it. If the 2 students make profit, I am sure what I have now is a winner Forex system and it will be my best kept secrets. It will not be written anywhere but inside my head.
The next time you meet someone who claims to have a good Forex system and trying to sell it to you, maybe you can ask him the same question. Why sell it for money when the Forex system itself can generate money for you, lots of it forever.
System Testing
The result is quite good. Only 1 position loss with a gain of 120 pips. This is for the trade againts the trend only. My follow the trend position is still in trade with average of 200 pip each position.
Hopefully all goes well and this would be my final system for all time. I dont see the need to change it anymore since it is giving signal clearly.
Forex Education Mind Set
or below:
Forex Trading - Do You Have What It Takes?
There are some facts that you simply must accept to have a fair chance to be successful at Forex trading. Let's have a look at what these facts are and if you can succeed in the worlds most exciting investment environment.
Trading markets are not scientific
The thought of approaching Forex trading by applying science is appealing. However, Scientific theories dont and never will work, because humans determine the market prices, and doing so, they dont consider scientific criteria.
Most people would prefer to be able to make money without risking anything. Many vendors try to gain from this fact, offering trading systems which are described as a possibility to trade with low risk and make a regular income. The fact you must accept is:
If the reward is big, the risk will be mirrored. Pure and simple, risk and reward walks hand in hand. If you can't accept taking risks, you should look for another small business idea.
So far it has been kind of negative, lets have a look at the bright side
To be successful at Forex trading will not require hard work! Work smart not hard is a perfect expression here, meaning that you don't need to learn just for the sake of learning. You'll only need to learn one system/strategy. It wont take long to learn because...
Simple straight forward systems work best. A simple system in Forex trading will outperform a complicated system, short term and long term. Why is that a indisputable fact?
Because it will always be easier to implement a simple system in a complexed market. A complexed system with a lot of parameters, makes it much harder to find the right trading opportunities. The most reliable currency trading systems all tend to be simple.
You can learn everything about currency trading
If thats a fact, why do so many Forex traders lose? The answer is the lack of mental discipline.
Currency trading is more about mindset rather than just a method. If you dont maintain discipline to follow your method, the method isn't there anymore. The best way to gain the necessary discipline is to develop your own method. You'll be confident in your trading because of full understanding of the method.
If you are able to accept and take calculated risks at the right time, Forex trading can be very profitable, due to the leverage at your disposal. Forex trading is not rocket science. Its a lot simpler than you may believe, and thanks to the Internet it's available for everyone.
The key points:
Learn to accept the risks
Rely on yourself
Trading discipline
Forex Review Week 3 July 2007
GbpUsd and EurUsd finish the week at a high. A correction should happen at the opening of next week. Currently both GU and EU momentum is building up. Taking a short position is considered risky but a correction to 1.3700 for EU and 2.0230 for GU is possible.
A Good Start
You will have yourself a price action system. Which means you dont have to forecast anything. You will trade based on price action and you will have little to no stop loss. Try it
Forex Education Success Formula
The answer is rather simple – most traders seek the path of least resistance and that will inevitably lead to failure. They failed because they didn’t take the time to gain a proper understanding and cheated their Forex Education!
Look, the market is neither for you nor against you. It makes profit opportunity equally available as the chance to take a loss. It will take money from you no matter your age, sex, experience or effort you put into your trading. The Forex market only rewards those who are correct and nothing else. It’s the old saying – work smart and not hard.
That leads to the next question; how can I be correct and smart? The answer is simple – through Forex Education. I have put together my Success Formula for trading the Forex market.
1. Strategy – it’s not a one size fits all world. Different strategies play to us based on our individual trading personalities. Understanding the rules and tools are critical when applying them to the market. This comes with time and experience. Don’t short change your learning curve. It will eventually lead you to profit.
2. Money Management – planning your risk will keep you in the game as you climb the learning curve as well as exploding your account once you’ve gained the experience and knowledge. Mastering this skill is not optional!
3. Self-Mastery - is having the discipline and emotional control to manage your strategy and money management plan. Knowing yourself will be skill that catapults you in to the elite 5%. It takes self-awareness training, accepting full responsibility for all of your trading actions and the ability to go beyond trading and finding your true personality. Talk to any successful trader and you will quickly see the control they exert not only in their trading, but in their lives in general.
Learning to trade Forex isn’t rocket science. Keeping things simple and working smarter will lead you to success in this market and the path forward can only b accomplished by investing in your Forex Education.
Happy Trading!!
Cari Duit Dengan Forex
Diawal pembabitan aku dalam forex aku sedar, Forex adalah sesuatu yang amat sukar difahami. Kerana 95% orang yang trade forex akan bungkus dan balik dalam 6 bulan pertama. Didunia ini cuma 5% sahaja manusia yang berjaya hidup dengan forex. Persoalannya, dah tau bende alah ni susah kenapa kau pegi susah payah lagi belajar. Jawapannya, yang susah itu adalah satu cabaran buat diriku. Lebih susah lebih aku suka.
Dalam setahun ada 365 hari lebih kurang. Bermakna aku dah trade forex live selama 1 tahun 2 bulan dan 5 hari genap pada hari ini dalam sejarah. Permulaannya aku meletakkan tempoh 2 tahun untuk aku mencipta sistem trade aku sendiri. Nampaknya aku hampa. Tempoh 2 tahun itu tidak tercapai oleh aku. Kerana aku memerlukan 1 tahun 2 bulan saja untuk mencipta sistem forex trading aku sendiri.
Dalam Forex ada 2 jenis market secara am iaitu trending market dan ranging market. Kedua dua market ini memerlukan pendekatan yang berbeza dari segi trade. Kalau trending market kita akan trade mengikut trend dan sekiranya ranging market kita trade pada harga siling dan lantai. Persoalan bilakah market uptrend, downtrend atau ranging? dan sekiranya market ranging dimana siling dan dimana lantai?
Rasanya persoalan itu telah terjawab. Sebenarnya jawapan itu telah ada sejak aku mula trade forex cuma aku tidak perasan. Apapun hasilnya akan dipost disini mulai dari hari ini. Harapnya memuaskan hati.
Forex Education - No Pain, No Gain
Many of your actions now may seem frustrating - such as designing a trading plan, sticking to just a few currency pairs, learning the intricacies of a strategy. It can seem downright overwhelming too. Just remember that each step you take in the process is adding value to your eventual trading success.
Why is it that so many people are always seeking the easy way out? I guarantee the amount of time searching will be less than just digging in and climbing that learning curve as fast as possible. Just imagine where you're going to be a year from now with a little bit of effort and determination!
Here are some thoughts to get you through that learning curve at lightning speed:
1. Hard Work Now Will Pay Off Later
All the work you do now mastering the process of trading through Forex education will pay off. Will it pay off today or tomorrow? Probably not, however, the small things done consistently in the right places will pay huge dividends later.
2. Every Experience Is A Lesson
Learn from both your mistakes and your success equally. As the question - what lesson am I meant to learn from this and journal it!
3. Focus On The Positive
Losing is a part of trading. Except it and keep your self-talk 100% positive. You will find that at the end of your Forex Journey you were your own worst enemy.
4. Choose The Difficult Action Over The Easy
Doing this will make you a stronger person, not just as a trader. You will find that your characteristics follow you in trading. When you grow as a person you will enhance your ability as a trader. Ask yourself - what action would a profitable trader take and then do it!
Remember this when you get frustrated by learning a new trading technique or in transitioning from demo to live trading -- if you are uncomfortable you're growing as a trader -- and take comfort in being uncomfortable.
Happy Trading!!
Free Forex Signal 6 Julai 2007
SL : 0.8606
Target : 0.8525 and more
Long Usd/Chf @ 1.2146 or better
SL: 1.2105
Target: 1.2210 and more.
If the trade goes well and the 1st target is broken, follow through with trailing SL. Trade at your own risk.
Trade Review 2 July 2007
Possible trade: (These are early signal with no confirmation yet)
1. short gbp/usd @ 2.0086.
2. short usd/jpy @ 123.42
today and tomorrow im not going to trade since going outstation. Just watch for the 2 trade above.
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