Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mind Over Matter Teachings in Forex

We are all in search of our passion. That one thing that really defines us. For most of us that passion is as diverse as the rainbow of colors we call the human race.

Some people find there passion in Real Estate, while other marketing products on the internet (we are all marketers by the way - whether you realize it or not - that's a subject for another day). My brother-in-law is a farmer and he is one of the happiest people I know when he is on top of his tractor.

I have found my passion in trading, studying and teaching the Forex Market. I strongly believe success lies within each and every trader. The only missing ingredients are perseverance and confidence. That is why I teach the strategy, but really focus in on what makes every individual trader tick and structure my lessons to instill the necessary mental skills to flourish trading the currency market.

If this is the style of teacher you want. We are almost ready for classes to begin!

In the mean time follow us over on Forex Journey Lens and come back here often for our launch date announcement of Forex Journey - The Website for Forex Training!

Happy Trading!!